Add Object

Uploading vehicle details will benefit users with an accurate, up-to-date inventory of vehicles, including important information. To upload vehicle records one by one or in bulk, consider the following steps.

To get started

  • Login to your account.
  • Go to  Settings > General > Object.

The page you land on is the Object overview page where you can have a look at all your object records.

To upload records individually

  • Click on the ➕ button on the taskbar.

Navigate to General


    • Select Reseller under which you want to add an object from the dropdown menu.
    • Select Company under which you want to add an object from the dropdown menu.
    • Select Branch under which you want to add an object from the dropdown menu.
    • Enter the Name of the object.
    • Enter GPS Tracker ID.
    • Enter GPS Tracker Serial No.
    • Select your object's Specification from the dropdown list.
    • Select the GPS device from the  Device Type dropdown that you want to add.
    • Enter the IMEI number of the device selected.
    • The system will provide the Server Address as you select the integrated device.
    • Enter the SIM Number and Secondary SIM Number if required.
    • Device Timezone should be added as per the timezone configured on the device.
    • Select the Distance Counter from the dropdown list and based on that the distance travel will show on the platform. Please select the default distance counter as GPS. If you are using a CAN device, then select CAN Odometer.
    • Select the Unit of Distance from the dropdown.
    • Select the Speed Detection from the dropdown.
    • Select Distance Variation as per your requirement.
    • Enter Device Accuracy Tolerance in meters.
    • Select Shift Group, if you want to consider the shift.
    • Select Shift Name, as per the Shift Group which you selected.
    • You can define the QR Code number and write it here.

Navigate to Profile


    • Enter Plate Number of the object.
    • Select the Object Type icon by clicking on the icon.
    • Select the Object Category, Object Brand, Object Model and Object Axle.
    • Select DVIR Template from the list.
    • Enter Manufacture Date and Purchase Date.
    • Enter Purchase Amount.
    • Enter Weight Capacity in tonnes.
    • Enter GPS Installation Date and GPS Warranty.
    • Enter Company Average.
    • Select Permit type from the dropdown.
    • Enter Installation Date.
    • Enter Registration Number.
    • Select Fuel Type from dropdown.

    • If you want to consider Distance based Fuel Consumption, you can check the box and enter the values in kilometers and litres.
    • If you want to consider Duration based Fuel Consumption, you can check the box and enter the values in minutes or hour:minute format and litres.
    • Enter the Fuel Idling Consumption.
    • Enter the Consumption Tolerance.
    • Enter the VIN(Chassis Number) of the vehicle.
    • Enter Engine Number.
    • Enter Odometer reading value from the vehicle.
    • Enter the LBS Detection Radius.
    • Enter Engine Hour reading.
    • Enter No of Passenger Seats.
    • Select Cost Based On based on your requirement.
    • Enter the RFID Timeout Duration if needed.
    • Enter the Sleep Mode Duration.
    • Enter Minimum Working Hours and Minimum Distance Traveled.
    • Check the box if you're installing Weight Sensor in the vehicle and enter the details for Underweight Tolerance, Overweight Tolerance, Loading/Unloading Tolerance.
    • If Fuel sensor is installed then select number of fuel tanks in the vehicles.
    • Check the box if you're installing G-sensor, and enter the values for X, Y and Z axis.

Navigate to Sensors

Navigate to Document

Users can manage documents of the vehicles in one place.

Navigate to Private Mode

 Users can set a private mode on the company vehicles for the times when they are in personal use.
    • Click on the Save 💾 icon.

To upload multiple records

  • Click on the Upload button on the taskbar.

    Upload Multiple Vehicle Records Tab
  • A new Bulk Object Insert window will appear.

Please Note: The details you fill in this section are common details and will be fetched for all the objects you add to the excel sheet.

  • Select Reseller under which you want to add object from the dropdown menu.
  • Select Company under which you want to add object from the dropdown menu.
  • Select Branch under which you want to add object from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the GPS device from the  Device Type dropdown.
  • The system will provide the Server Address as you select the integrated device.
  • Device Timezone should be added as per the timezone configured on the device.
  • Enter the SIM Provider name.
  • Select the Distance Counter from the dropdown list and based on that the distance travel will show on the platform. Please select the default distance counter as GPS. If you are using a CAN device, then select CAN Odometer.
  • Select the Unit of Distance and based on the selected unit, the system will work according to the selected unit.
  • Select how you want the speed of the vehicle to be detected from Speed Detection.
  • To upload a file first, you need to download the format from the given link. Fill in the details of objects in the given format and then Upload the file by clicking on the ➕ icon.

    Upload Multiple Vehicle Records Required Details
  • According to the device type selected, you will see a sensor table with the connection type and connected sensor, reading type, and work hour calculation.
    • Activate the connection type by clicking on the checkbox given in the Active column.
    • Click on the dropdown of Connected Sensor and select the sensor.
      Add Vehicle img sensor
    • If you are using a digital sensor then you have to select Reading Type.
    • You can enable Work Hour Calculation only if you are using a digital sensor.
  • Click on the Save 💾 icon to save the setting.

To add a vehicle from the mobile application, click here.

To download vehicle details from the mobile application, click here.