When using the platform, we must first understand the user hierarchy, which involves knowing the various levels of access and permissions that are given to various individuals within the system.
The basic principle of user hierarchy is that a subordinate account cannot have more rights than a parent one. It is important to organize the hierarchy before getting started in software.
A step-by-step guide to get you started is provided below:
Understanding User Roles on the Platform
In order to manage and operate the platform effectively, it is important to understand the different user roles and their respective access levels. The platform follows a clearly defined hierarchy to ensure security and organization across various types of users and entities.
Primary Users
These are the top-level users who have the highest level of control and access to the platform.
- Admin: Manages the platform, including user creation, roles, and permissions.
- Reseller: Purchases the software from the Admin and resells it to clients with custom branding and pricing.
- Company: Uses the software to manage assets, fleets, or workforce.
Secondary Users
These users are created by Primary Users to assist with specific tasks and operations.
- Subusers: Created by Admins, Resellers, or Companies to help manage accounts, tasks, and data. Subusers have limited permissions, based on their roles.
Tracking Entities
These represent the physical assets and individuals that are tracked within the platform.
- Object: Any physical item (vehicles, machinery, inventory) tracked by the platform.
- Driver: Individuals operating vehicles or equipment, whose activities are monitored to ensure safety and efficiency.
Account Types:
There are 3 account types in the application:
Note: These user roles are considered a Primary User, meaning they have full access and management capabilities over their respective accounts and operations.
- Admin
- Reseller
- Company
An Admin on the platform is a user with full access and management of the platform. Platform settings, configurations, and user accounts must be managed by the administrator. The admin has the ability to manage the platform data, provide roles and permissions, and create new users.
We will create and provide the user with access to their manager accounts.
The administrator account can be modified by authorized personnel within the organization who hold the necessary responsibilities and permissions. It is their duty to ensure the platform functions effectively and meets operational expectations.
A distributor known as a Reseller will buy the software from the admin and then resell it to its clients.
The admin creates reseller accounts in the software as per requirements.
Resellers have the capability to personalize and brand the software by incorporating their own logo, as well as establishing customized tariff plans. To provide their clients with a comprehensive solution, resellers can either offer the software as an independent product or seamlessly integrate it with their existing services.
In the software, a Company refers to an organization or business that uses the software to manage their assets, fleet, or workforce. A company can be any type of business or organization, such as a transportation company, construction company, manufacturing company, or any other industry that requires asset tracking or workforce management.
We additionally have the subusers for each user mentioned above, where the users will have the access to create the subusers and assign them permission, roles, and responsibilities.
Subusers are considered Secondary Users with limited permissions as granted by their Primary User (Admin, Reseller, or Company). Subusers assist in specific operations based on their assigned roles.
Admin Subuser
In the software, a subuser can be created by an administrator to create a new user with custom privileges and permissions.
Subusers' rights are limited to their roles and responsibilities. This makes it possible to manage the administrator account more efficiently and ensures that only authorized users can access confidential data.
Please Note: Using the credentials provided to you by us, you can log in to the administrator account.
After logging into the admin account, you can Edit the Admin account details and Configure the account for the Admin Subuser.
Reseller Subuser
A Reseller subuser in software is a user account made by the reseller for their employees. The subuser account is linked to the reseller's account and is designed to provide the reseller's employees with the necessary access to the software.
The reseller can manage the subuser's invoicing and account information as well as the degree of access the subuser has to the software.
Please Note: Admin will Create a reseller account, and then the Resellers can log in to their account. A Reseller subuser can be created once the Reseller account is created.
Company Subuser
Within the software, a Company can create multiple users and assign them different roles and permissions, allowing them to access and manage different aspects of the company's operations which is known as a Company subuser.
Please Note: An Admin or Reseller is responsible to creating a Company, after which any of these users—Admin, Reseller, or Company—can establish a Company subuser tailored to the specific needs of that company.
In the software, a Branch refers to a location or a physical site of a Company. For example, if a Company has multiple offices or warehouses in different locations, each of these locations can be considered a branch in the software.
Users using the software can set up and manage multiple branches inside a single Company account, which is useful for businesses with a functional organizational structure or those who perform business in various regions.
Please Note: You can add a new Branch. If a Company doesn’t have any Branch, then a Branch will be created by default by the Company’s name.
The following are considered Tracking Entities, which are managed and monitored by Primary and Secondary Users to ensure efficient operations and asset management.
An Object in the software is any physical object or asset that is being tracked and supervised by the software. In the software, examples of objects include vehicles, goods, machinery, and other inventory items. Each object in the software has a special identifier that allows it to be traced from the time it is added in the software until it is deleted.
The system allows users to view real-time information about the location, status, and history of each object, making it easier to manage inventory and assets efficiently.
Please Note: You can Add objects either manually or do a bulk upload.
In the software, a Driver is someone who operates a vehicle or piece of equipment that is being tracked and managed on the platform.
Drivers can be assigned to specific vehicles or equipment, and their activities can be monitored to ensure safety and efficiency.
Please Note:
- You can Upload driver records either manually or do a bulk upload.
- Driver is included only in the Standard and Premium versions of the platform.
Download the Driver app:
Android: Get it on Google Play
iOS: Download on the App Store
Please Note: The Driver app is exclusively available as part of the Premium Version.