When the user clicks on a particular object from the object list, a playback option appears on the top center of the live tracking screen, which displays the playback of the object for the duration specified by the user.
Go to Object tab > Click on object > Hover on playback to select the desired duration for which to view the playback, as illustrated below:
By clicking on the required timeframe, the playback screen will load, which will be as below:
In the Playback section, users will encounter four distinct bars, tabs, or windows, each serving a specific function, as outlined below:
Settings Bar
The Settings Bar lies in the top center of the playback screen. On this bar, users can find various settings options.
Object Name
When a user clicks on the object name from the settings bar, the object list appears on the left side of the screen, as shown below:From this list, users can choose the object for which they wish to view the playback.
Time Range Selection
When a user clicks on the time range, the different time range options will appear as below:
The playback will be displayed for the duration chosen from the available options.
Print Button
By clicking on the
button, the detailed playback report can be printed.
By clicking the Print Map button, you will be able to download the map showing the playback.
By clicking the Print Report button, you will be able to download the detailed textual report.
By clicking the Print Map with Report button, you will be able to download the map with the detailed textual report.
Settings Button
By clicking on the button, the playback settings tab can be easily accessed or hidden as needed.
Playback Settings Tab
The Playback Settings tab appears on the right side of the playback screen.
This tab allows users to choose the information to be displayed on the playback path.
As it can be seen in the image below, features like alerts, inactivity, fuel, route, etc., can be checked or unchecked based on preferences. The selected data points will appear on the playback route.
- Stoppage more than
The user must select a duration beyond which stoppage points will be displayed. For example, if 5 minutes is selected, all stoppage points exceeding 5 minutes will appear on the playback. - Idle more than
The user has to select the idle time period here. For example, if 2 minutes is selected, all the idle points exceeding 2 minutes will appear on the playback. - Speed
The user needs to select either "speed less than" or "speed more than" from the dropdown menu, followed by specifying the speed. For example, if "speed more than 60 km/hr" is selected, the playback will highlight in red the route segments where the object's speed was above 60 km/hr. - Alerts
The user can choose which alerts to display on the playback.
All Alerts: If "All" is selected, all alerts will appear on the playback path at their respective locations.
Specific Alert: If a specific alert is selected, only those alerts will be shown on the playback.
Similarly, all other data points can be displayed on the playback based on the user's selection. Some of these data points are feature-specific.
Playback Bar
The Playback Bar is the bar that appears at the bottom center of the screen. Using the playback bar, various operations can be performed on the playback of the selected object.
Save Path
Click on 💾 to save that particular path by giving it a specific name. -
Compare path
By clicking on the button, a window will open on the left side of the screen, as below:
The user can select a path to compare with the playback path. The comparison can be made with either a path chosen from a Past date or from the previously Saved path.
The compared path can be seen on the screen based on the selections made.
To close that window, the user can click on the Close button.
Create Job
Click on
to create a job of that particular playback.
Learn more about Job configuration.
Download KML
Click on
to download the KML file of that particular playback.
Playback Details Window
The Playback Details Window provides detailed information about vehicle trips, data points received, events that occurred, fuel levels, temperature, speed graphs, and more, including several that are specific to particular features.
This window will appear upon clicking on the upward arrows from the bar in the bottom left corner of the screen. The window can be minimised by clicking the downward arrows.
The bar highlighted in the below image can be used to drag the Playback Detail Window for seeing the expanded version of it.
The below-given tabs will appear as the user clicks on the corresponding icons:
Trips Tab
The Trips tab displays all the trip details of that particular playback. Details like Start/End time and location, distance, speed, alerts, driver, and trip status are displayed in this tab.
These trips can be classified by clicking on the edit icon in each row.
All this trip data can be downloaded in XLS format by clicking on the XLS icon on the right end of the tab, as highlighted in the above image.
Events Tab
The Events tab provides a comprehensive overview of all events that occurred during the playback, including detailed information about their corresponding timestamps and locations. To print these event details, click on the print button on the right end of the tab, as highlighted in the below image.
When a user selects a specific event, a popup window will show detailed information about that event on the playback path. This includes details such as event type, timestamp, address, etc., as illustrated in the image above.
A user can also add address and geofence from this event details window.
Learn more about Address configuration and Geofence configuration.
Data Points Tab
The Data Points tab displays all the data points received from the device with details like status of the vehicle, timestamp, latitude/longitude, speed, distance, and address.
These details can be downloaded in XLS format by clicking XLS and PDF icon on the right end of the tab, as shown below.
The fields such as Time, Status, Speed, and Battery Voltage % include sorting options, allowing users to organize the data as needed for better analysis.
When a user clicks on a specific data point, a new window with detailed information about that point opens, as shown in the above picture. A user can add address and geofence from here as well.
Learn more about Address configuration and Geofence configuration.
Speed Tab
The Speed tab offers a graphical representation of the object's speed over time during the selected playback, allowing users to easily analyze speed trends and variations.
The user can select a particular region on the graph to zoom in and check the detailed graph. By clicking on the refresh button, the graph can be restored to the original view.
By hovering over the lines of the graph, the user can view the detailed speed information along with the precise date and time.
Fuel Tab
The Fuel tab provides a graphical representation of the object's fuel refill and drain activities, as well as its consumption levels during the playback period.
The user can select a particular region on the graph to zoom in and check the detailed graph.
By clicking on the ignition and speed button, the ignition and speed data can also be displayed along with the fuel graph.
When the user hovers over the lines of the fuel graph, detailed fuel information, including the precise date and time, will be displayed. The graph can be restored to the original view by clicking on the refresh button.
Image Gallery Tab
The Image Gallery tab is where all the snapshots from the MDVR are displayed for that particular playback. The images displayed in this section are captured at various data points throughout the playback. Users can conveniently download these images by selecting the download button located on the right side of the tab.