School Rule

Admin can set rules for the school account. These rules are set so that the user can have clear details related to the object, trip and parent rules.

Please Note: Rules once set cannot be changed after it is activated.

To get started

  • Login to the admin account.
  • Go to  Settings > General > School.
  • Double-click on the reseller account for which you want to set the rule.
  • Navigate to Rule.

To set the rule

  • Click on Add New. A new window named School Rule will open.
    • Copy From can be used if you need to create a new rule using previously created rule.
    • In the field Rule Name enter the rule name as per your requirement.
    • In the field, Valid From, enter the date from which the said rule will be valid.
    • In the field, Event Date format select the date format you want the reseller to see.
    • Add the Device Accuracy Tolerance.
    • Add Device Distance Variation.
    • Add POI Tolerance according to the requirement.
    • Add Speed Consideration Moment and Max Speed Validator.
    • Add SMS Alert From and SMS Alert To in time format if you've configured SMS service.
    • Enter Inactive Time, Stoppage Time, and Idle Time.
    • Enter Speed Limit.
    • Enter Trip Start Buffer Time and Trip End Buffer Time in minutes.

Trip Start Buffer Time is a small allowance for starting a trip a bit later than planned. For instance, if the trip is set to begin at 8:00 AM, a delay of up to 10 minutes is considered acceptable.

Similarly for Trip End Buffer Time.

    • Click on the checkbox of show cluster and select the startup screen for the reseller.
    • Enter Welcome Message which will be displayed on the screen when you log in.
    • Set Device Connectivity Check time.
    • Add Live Stream Auto Close Timer.
    • Check the box if you want to Hide History Legend on Live Tracking.
    • Select Work Hour Calculation format.
    • Check the box if the E-lock Authentication needs to be done.
    • Add Vehicle Info which you require on the platform and are not predefined in the fields.
  • Click on Save 💾 icon.

To set the Trip Rule

  • Click on Add New. A new window named School Rule will open.
  • Select Trip End Rule condition.
  • Check the box if Create Trip Via Driver App, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box if With Attendance, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box if Auto Off-Board at school for manual attendance, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box if Tracking Without Trip Creation, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Enter Route Deviation Tolerance in meters.
  • Enter Route Path Tolerance in meters.
  • Select Proximity Area Setting condition.
  • Enter Message which you need to mention in the alert.
  • Enter RFID Swipe Tolerance in seconds.
  • Check the box Automatic Checkpoint Arrival Time , if permission needs to be provided.

  • Click on Save 💾 icon.

To set the Parent Rule

  • Click on Add New. A new window named School Rule will open.
  • Enter the No. Of Mobile Access which needs to be permitted.
  • Check the box Vehicle Status Update Time, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Enter Time Range for different statuses. 
  • Select Parent App Zoom Type condition.
  • Check the box Show History Tab, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box Smooth Live Tracking, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box Show video in parent app if permission needs to be provided.
  • Select Show Tracking For Drop Trip condition.
  • Check the box Show Other Checkpoints, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Select Show Checkpoint condition.
  • Check the box Show ETA , if permission needs to be provided.
  • Enter Consider Average Speed Duration to be provided.
  • Check the box Show Actual Path, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box Show Defined Path, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box Show Class Div,  if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box Show Change Point Option,  if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box Show Leave Application,  if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box Show Vehicle Speed Status,  if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box Trip Status Message, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Enter Trip Status Message which will appear in the notification.
  • Check the box Public Holiday Message, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Enter Public Holiday Message which will appear in the notification.
  • Check the box Weekend Message, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box Change Password, if permission needs to be provided.
  • Check the box Youtube Tutorial Link, if permission needs to be provided.

  • Click on Save 💾 icon.