The system enables users to activate Private Mode for company vehicles, allowing for personal use outside of regular company hours. During this time, the vehicles will not be tracked.
The private mode configured on the company account will be applied for all the vehicles associated with that company.
Admin or Reseller users can create a Private Mode within the company account. Company users can also add the Private Mode for their vehicles or edit an existing one.
Please Note: Private Mode can also be configured individually for each object.
The system is designed to prioritize the Private Mode settings configured at the object level. In cases where an object does not have its own Private Mode set, the system will consider the Private Mode settings configured on the company level.
To Get Started
- Log in to your account.
- Go to Settings > General > Company.
- Double-click on the record for which you want to set up Private Mode.
- Navigate to the Private Mode tab.
- Click on Add New.
- Valid From: Click in the textbox and select the start date from when the Private Mode will become applicable.
- Valid To: Click in the textbox and select the end date until which the Private Mode will remain valid.
- From Time: Click in the textbox and select the start time (hours and minutes) when the Private Mode will become applicable.
- To Time: Click in the textbox and select the end time (hours and minutes) until which the Private Mode will remain valid.
- Save the configuration by clicking on the Save 💾 icon.
- Click on Add New.