Calibrate Humidity Sensor

Humidity sensors are used to monitor and report the moisture levels within a specific environment, such as the interior of a vehicle, cargo compartments, containers, or refrigerated trailers. This data helps prevent damage to temperature-sensitive goods by monitoring and controlling moisture levels effectively.

To Get Started

  • Log in to your account.
  • Go to Settings > General > Object.
  • Double-click on the record for which you want to set the humidity.
  • Navigate to Sensors.
    Configure RPM sensor tab

To Calibrate the Sensor

Please Note: Humidity sensors always come integrated with temperature sensors. You should have a temperature sensor if you want to activate a humidity sensor.

  • Activate the analog port connection type by clicking on the checkbox given in the Active column.
  • Click on the dropdown of Connected Sensor and select Humidity.
    Configure Humidity Sensors
  • Click on the Calibration Manage Vehicle Documents btn reminder-1 button. A new window will appear.
    • Enter the Multiplication Factor, a unit correction value that adjusts raw data by multiplying it. This factor is determined based on the specific behavior of the device.

A Multiplication Factor is a value applied to adjust raw data to its correct unit. It varies depending on the device and ensures accurate measurements by standardizing the unit.

    • From the dropdown of Connection Type select the temperature sensor from which you want to derive humidity.

Please Note: Temperature sensors usually provide data in temperature units, like 10ºC. However, if your device outputs data in voltage, it is essential to configure this setting accordingly.

    • Select the checkbox for Voltage if the device transmits data in voltage.
      Configure Humidity Sensors img 2
      • Upon selecting the Voltage option, users can calibrate for voltage data by choosing one of the two available methods:
        • Manual Calibration: You can add individual voltage ranges and humidity by clicking on the ➕ icon.
          Configure Humidity Sensors img 3
        • Upload Calibration via XLS: You can upload an XLS file for calibration. mentioning different voltage ranges and humidity.
          • Download a Sample file and specify the voltage range by entering values in the Voltage From and Voltage To columns, providing the corresponding Humidity readings for each range.
          • Upload the calibration file with Upload File option.
            Configure Humidity Sensors img 4
    • Click on the Save 💾 icon on the humidity calibration window to save the entire configuration.