Delete multiple object records

User can delete the object records individually as well as in bulk. To delete the object records in bulk follow the below procedure

Please Note: Deleting object records will also delete all the data related to the object including reports and charts.

To get started 

  • Login to your account.
  • Go to  Settings > General > Object.

The page you land on is the Object overview page where you can have a look at all your object records.

  • Click on the Delete button.
    • Bulk Vehicle Remove window will open.
      • Select the Reseller from the dropdown menu under which you want to remove the object records.
      • Select the School from the dropdown menu under which you want to remove the object records.
      • Select the School Branch from the dropdown menu under which you want to remove the object records.
      • Select the Vehicle from the dropdown menu which you want to delete.
      • Click on the Delete button.  A popup window will appear.
      • Click on Yes.

Your records will now be deleted permanently.